10 Eye-Opening Stats Illuminating the Rise of CTV (Infographic)

Television — the viewing of it and the advertising on it — is undergoing a transformation. As the infographic below clearly shows, consumers are shifting their viewing to streaming. And advertisers are following those consumers to CTV.
But this revolution in TV viewing is bigger than simply a shift in eyeballs and advertising dollars to CTV. With this shift to CTV, there’s also a transformation in what television advertising can do and what brands can measure and track in their marketing.
CTV enables advanced creative, such as interactive and dynamic creative ads, that make a reality of what brands could only dream of in the past. With interactive ads brands can foster and track one-to-one engagement with consumers; Innovid data indicates that interactive ads generate 92 additional seconds of engagement.
With dynamic creative optimization (DCO), brands can leverage instant feedback to optimize their campaigns on the fly to make sure the best performing creative is the creative that runs. Because CTV is connected to the internet, brands can measure their advertising in the same way they can online.
With the right technology, CTV advertising can continue to improve. As the infographic shows, Innovid’s new Harmony Direct product can help brands realize an 8% gain in working media dollars and publishers a 15% increase in yield.
Take a closer look at the infographic below for 10 statistics that tell the story of how CTV is poised to transform advertising.

For a closer look at how Innovid can help your advertising thrive in the age of CTV, contact us today.