CTV Advertising Insights Report
The 100% digital future of television is hurtling towards the advertising industry. Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Netflix, and other streamers have announced ad-supported subscription tiers. Live sports are moving to streaming, and you can bet advertiser dollars will move there as well. Marketers will spend more than $40 billion on CTV advertising in 2027, according to eMarketer projections.
In 2023, our ad server delivered almost 380 billion video impressions, and 53% of those impressions were via CTV. Innovid has an unprecedented view into streaming viewership. That means we have invaluable insight for CTV advertisers. Our data-driven report helps you understand how to connect, engage, measure, and drive outcomes in a media world dominated by CTV.
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Key highlights
of Innovid’s total video ad impressions in 2023 were CTV, which represented an increase of 12% over last year. The bottom line is that consumers are flocking to CTV (and leaving traditional linear TV behind). Advertisers understand this fact, and are boosting their spending on CTV.
was the unique reach for campaigns using five or few publishers and 7.42 was the average frequencyacross all CTV campaigns. CTV provides advertisers unprecedented “Goldilocks” control to ensure that your reach and frequency level is neither too high nor too low — but just right.
higher engagement delivered by advanced interactive CTV advertising over desktop and 5x higher engagement than mobile. Proof that the television, the biggest screen in the house,delivers top-end engagement.