Mondelez Beats Brand Benchmarks By Personalizing the Holidays

October 14, 2021

Seasonal events can pay high dividends for brands who pay attention; last year, the holiday season made up roughly $1.06 trillion in retail spending. The season of shopping is looking different these days, however, as both consumers and brands turn their attention to ecommerce. Marketers are now tasked not only with driving customers into physical stores, but also with replicating the in-store experience — and the magic of the holidays — online. 

To capture consumer attention and drive sales for its brand TANG over Ramadan, Mondelez leveraged best-in-class dynamic creative solutions to personalize ads based on audience interests, utilizing recipe-based creatives and a countdown to Iftar at sunset each day. The biggest challenge was how to best streamline the execution: the campaign needed to launch in three countries — which meant three different languages and time zones — all with a sunset time that moved a few minutes every day. 

Working together, the Mondelez, Innovid, Publicis Spark Foundry, and Ogilvy teams set out to execute an omni-channel dynamic messaging strategy that targeted five recipes to five different affinity groups: 30-minute chefs, pop culture fanatics, fashionistas, family-focused individuals, and a more general audience. Nailing the creative proved to be another challenge: there were several versions that required a special dynamic template, allowing for both left- and center-aligned text elements as well as special characters (to accommodate multiple languages). Focusing on dynamic display and video, the TANG campaign utilized Innovid’s robust rendering engine to generate over 407 custom ad versions targeted to five different audience groups based on affinity, country, language, and time of day.


For the programmatic portion of the campaign, Innovid deployed a DV360 publisher macro that defined in real time which creative to serve to which specific audience based on their affinity, and the team used Innovid technology to show a countdown message for a specific time-of-day sunsetting. For the YouTube portion of the campaign, 200 custom versions were targeted to the five different affinity groups, and within the 200 versions were post-Ramadan ads designed without Eid Mubarack candles. 


The use of personalized omni-channel dynamic messaging drove significant performance for TANG, and all KPI categories exceeded brand benchmarks. To learn more and read the entire case study, please click here for a more in-depth analysis, and chat with our team about how you can leverage the latest in advanced creative technologies to create engaging, memorable ad experiences.